Wednesday, July 17, 2013

King Without a Crown Pt. 2

"Strip away the layers and reveal your soulGive yourself up and then you become wholeYou're a slave to yourself and you don't even knowYou want to live the fast life but your brain moves slow
If you're trying to stay high, then you're bound to stay lowYou want God but you can't deflate your egoIf you're already there, then there's nowhere to goIf you're cup's already full, then it's bound to overflow
If you're drowning out in the waters and you can't stay afloatAsk Hashem for mercy and he'll throw you a ropeYou're looking for help from God, you say he couldn't be foundLooking up to the sky and searchin' beneath the ground
Like a king without his crown"

These are some lyrics by Jew-ish reggae musician Matisyahu called "King Without a Crown". You might read this and think that it is referring to a general population of any man/woman who may be spiritually lost...That may be how Matisyahu intended but If you know even an ounce of truth you would realize that this can also pertain to the black man. I will explain...

We will start to decipher this song from the bottom up, where all work should start (always begin with a solid foundation or your house would fall and sink back into the ground).

We've discussed what it is like to be a king without a crown. If you didn't read it check out at king-without-crown-pt-1-my-answers. If you really think about it, every black man in America or any other country living by the rules and standards of another race is a king with no crown. From the man living in the ghetto trying to get out all the way up to the man with money and in the lime-light. The man at the bottom is constantly trying to fit into the mold created for him. The man at the top has unfortunately fit into that square and lost sight of who he is.

Matisyahu says that "You're looking for help from God, you say he couldn't be found, Looking up to the sky and searchin' beneath the ground"...We are looking everywhere in the world for our salvation, for answers, for the way things were to be intended for us. We should be looking within ourselves not towards any other man or thing.

"You're a slave to yourself and you don't even know,You want to live the fast life but your brain moves slow
If you're trying to stay high, then you're bound to stay low, You want God but you can't deflate your ego. If you're already there, then there's nowhere to go, If you're cup's already full, then it's bound to overflow"...

I would love to know other people's interpretation on this verse. I see this as we are slaves to our minds and the neural connections we've made, the paradigm we live in is not our own. It's not one that is in alignment with our nature, our souls and definitely not our GOD. If a cup is full and you keep pouring the poisoned liquid into it, the cup will overflow. Most of us are full to the brim with lies and are programmed better than any Apple product out on the market. We behave and believe exactly how we are programmed to. Our metaphorical cups must be emptied and cleansed before it can be used again. In turn, we must empty ourselves of our old paradigm as well as let go of our feelings of hate confusion and anything of fear.
We try so hard to hold onto everything we know, everything we've been taught, not knowing that by doing so, we leave no room for new ideas to come to us, no room to allow the truth to come to us. There are endless possibilities in this world but if we only allow this to be our truth, how will things change? Open your minds and hearts and watch your life become dramatically different. Even in HIS-story we see that this is true. At one point, people could not fathom a world where we lived separately in different houses, families split and move to other countries, plumbing systems, electricity, cars...These were all never thought of at one point but someone opened their mind and inspiration came. Once one person has a thought, we all have the opportunity to think it, expand on it and believe it if we so choose.

"Strip away the layers and reveal your soul, Give yourself up and then you become whole"...This is self explanatory. Lets get rid of our egos, empty ourselves and let God fill us with love, joy compassion, truth, true LIFE for his people. Why do we have to live like this? Yes, some things we have are nice but if we let God fill us, He can make what we think as great be beyond anything we could ever imagine. Let go and Let God. He can do it better than all of us put together. Let Him.

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